Corporate Eye Care

The Next Level Enterprise Eye Care Experience.

Born out of leading clinical science at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute.

Leading Science

Heru has led the industry with every major innovation to date, led by cutting edge science and over 50+ patents from the #1 Eye Hospital in the United States ranked 22 x.

Increased Patient Experience

Heru Prime has consistently score in the top box surveys across hundreds of patient surveys.

Enabling Remote Care & Tele-Optometry

Heru prime enables remote care and Tele-optometry across some of the largest Corporate Eye Care partners in the U.S.

EyeStream™: Enhanced VR Headset Fit and Patient Compliance

EyeStream™ is a first in class and innovative designed to optimize the fit of the headset prior to testing. By seamlessly integrating with the technician’s workflow, EyeStream ensures optimal positioning and continuous monitoring of patient’s eyes during testing.

Elevate in-clinic and remote care experience.

1 %

Increase your remote doctor productivity by up to 37+%


Decrease your retest rate during pre-testing.


4.5 of 5 stars per our patient surveys

Elevate Your Enterprise Eye Care Experience with Heru Prime.

Learn how leading Eye Care Enterprises are saving time and productivity with Heru Prime.

" Patients find it easy to use and fun!"
Lead Technician, Seattle WA
"A game changer for our clinic"
Optometrist, North Carolina
" I don't want to go back to the days before Heru Prime"
Technician, Atlanta, GA

Advanced Fit Check

Ensure proper headset alignment before starting your patient's Visual Field testing.

ReduceD redos

Save time from Retesting.

Real-time Feedback

Technicians can now provide real-time feedback to patients with EyeStream™ Technology.

Repeatable Results

Less guesswork, more repeatability.

Elevating Corporate Eye Care